Wednesday 16 January 2008

66 posts in 66 days

In that time we managed almost four thousand visits, which is more than we expected, mostly because we didn't know what to expect. Thanks are due to our main referers: naupyrata, bolachasgratis and liralisergica for sending us most of our visitors. Feel free to browse our back catalog / add us to your rss feed / spread the word / send us money. Hopefully that last one was subliminal.

**Edit: actually, it's closer to nine thousand visits. Forgot to update google analytics to include all records.. At the current rate we're getting about four thousand visits a month.


  1. Eu juro que vos pago um copo no próximo Clubbing. :|

  2. haha. dizes isso porque sabes que não vamos ao próximo clubbing c'os the go! team. :P

  3. and keep on, the comunity grows as people get to know this great blog.

    Go cross lonk with prognotfrog and mutantsounds and before you know it the visitor count will go to the clouds

  4. Parabéns amigos! Estão em meu coração e em meu Feed Reader euauehauehuae, espero que cresçam ainda mais e podem contar com meu apoio ;)

  5. Thanks for the comments. Actually, I think I'd rather have a low visitor count for the time being and wait for this blog persecution to pass by...
