Tuesday, 15 December 2009


Here are my 20 albums of 2009. A few glaring omissions perhaps, but if you were to only listen to 5 albums this year, please make sure you check out the first five:

- Crippled Black Phoenix - The Resurrectionists / Night Raider
- Mono - Hymn to the Immortal Wind
- Shrinebuilder - S/T
- Mastodon - Crack the Skye
- Isis - Wavering Radiant

The rest, in no particular order:

- If These Trees Could Talk - Above the Earth, Below the Sky
- Do Make Think Say - Other Truths
- Them Crooked Vultures - S/T
- maudlin of the Well - Part the second
- Baroness - Blue Album
- Solstafir - Kold
- OM - God is Good
- Pelican - What We All Come to Need
- Long Distance Calling - Avoid the Light
- Porcupine Tree - The incident
- Alice in Chains - Black Gives Way to Blue
- The Yellow Moon Band - Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World
- Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade
- Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
- Zu - Carboniferous

This is my personal list. Other members (and public) are free to post their own.


Anonymous said...

some great choices here, many thanks!

whatshername said...

Yay for CBP, best album of the year in my book as well.

spunkie said...

Yellow moon band in my top 10.

Thanks SC for your sweet posts

spunkie said...

Love the yellow moon cd,got any Cranium Pie their grrreat.

Anonymous said...

the incident is PT's worst album since 1995