Here are my 20 albums of 2009. A few glaring omissions perhaps, but if you were to only listen to 5 albums this year, please make sure you check out the first five:
- Crippled Black Phoenix - The Resurrectionists / Night Raider
- Mono - Hymn to the Immortal Wind
- Shrinebuilder - S/T
- Mastodon - Crack the Skye
- Isis - Wavering Radiant
The rest, in no particular order:
- If These Trees Could Talk - Above the Earth, Below the Sky
- Do Make Think Say - Other Truths
- Them Crooked Vultures - S/T
- maudlin of the Well - Part the second
- Baroness - Blue Album
- Solstafir - Kold
- OM - God is Good
- Pelican - What We All Come to Need
- Long Distance Calling - Avoid the Light
- Porcupine Tree - The incident
- Alice in Chains - Black Gives Way to Blue
- The Yellow Moon Band - Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World
- Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade
- Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
- Zu - Carboniferous
This is my personal list. Other members (and public) are free to post their own.