Monday, 20 July 2009

Korai Öröm, 2009

Hungary, 2009

Like fellow compatriots Másfel, Korai Öröm blend Hungarian folk with progressive rock. Korai Öröm in particular delve in psychedelic and space rock influences, lying somewhere between the brilliance of Hawkwind and the danceable ethnic rythms of Ozric Tentacles.


01 - Uj arab
02 - Tizenketto negyed
03 - Kinai
04 - Uszos
05 - Mbira
06 - A paraszt visszavag
07 - Szubaru
08 - Latin
09 - Akusztikus


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, downloading always dies in few minutes, could you please reupload somewhere else? (rapid, megaupload). Thanks