Tuesday 25 October 2011

(end of) hiatus

First post in a long while. A reason for this is that, personally, I've been dealing with several issues that demand time – such as dissertation research and teaching –, as I imagine my fellow bloggers from SC have too. I hope I can liven up this blog as much as I can, as the opportunities to do so arrive.
Also, I won't be able to guarantee posts from my colleagues, so I apologize if my posts and tastes don't correspond exactly to the standard you've been accustomed to, from this same blog. However, the variety of genres will be maintained, as much as possible.

I also hope that the few followers which still have us in their radar understand this shift in focus.
In my following posts I'll try and be succinct – even though the frequency of posting may be sometimes scarce –, synthetic about the information or links and, as much as can be, more personal.

For now, I thank you if you're reading this and still care.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back. I checked the site everyday in your absence. Thanks for continuing to upload.

Anonymous said...

welcome back! i´m looking forward for more new discoveries

Anonymous said...

been trying to check in for a while, love all the great stuff you have. Very glad to have you back in anyway!

IMI said...

I just discovered this blog and I'm grateful it's still here! Thx.