Tuesday 5 October 2010

Crippled Black Phoenix, I, Vigilante

England, 2010.

Where do I even begin to describe this? One would think that "The Resurrectionists" and "Night Raider" would be impossible to top, but CBP prove us wrong. "I, Vigilante" is nothing short of a masterpiece, and "Of A Lifetime" (which is a Journey cover, by the way) might just be my favourite song right now.

They don't tour much, but don't hesitate to see these guys live if you have the chance. Not only are they amazing musicians, they are also the coolest guys I've ever met.


1. Troublemaker
2. We Forgotten Who We Are
3. Fantastic Justice
4. Bastogne Blues
5. Of a Lifetime
6. Burning Bridges (Hidden Track)



  1. I've listened to this soooooo much and still can't get enough of it. it's rather short, but perhaps it's for the best. whenever I recommend it to someone it's very hard to find the right words to describe the music on this album. and the Journey cover is amazing. :)

  2. it really is! when I first heard it live, I couldn't believe it was Journey. definitely one of my top albums this year.
