Tuesday 3 August 2010

Woodsman, Collages

US, 2009.

Another gem found in soundweave.

"From the green forests of Denver comes the debut album from Woodsman, an instrumental quartet with roots in nature, post-rock of the mid-‘90s Tortoise/Cerberus Shoal/A Minor Forest variety, and a sense of epic grandeur that ties the whole thing together. Killer from nose to nuts, with 19-minute monster “Mothershift” taking top honors; it reminds us that one ton of feathers is just as crushing as one ton of lead, if properly positioned."

Buy it here.


1. Bow and Arrow
2. Dikembe Mutombo
3. Shutterlag
4. Spirit Stone
5. Sunglass
6. It's Mossy
7. Mothershift
