Saturday 17 July 2010

When The Clouds, The Longed-For Season

Italy, 2009.

When the Clouds is the recording project of artist and producer Francesco Galano. In 2007 he began working on several songs blending electronic elements with acoustic instruments creating a sound with extraordinary emotional impact. The songs are characterised by the use of acoustic instruments such as rhodes piano guitar, bass guitar, strings, mellotron, glockespiel and diamonic fluctuating along with a complicated structure of concrete sounds, glitch and noises that make up the rhythmic/percussive structure of the music. In 2009 he signed a deal with Drifting Falling for his debut EP “The Longed-For Season” a six track tapestry that reveals more and more of itself with each listen. Equal parts restraint, masterfully crafted tension and euphoric release that will leave listeners lost in thought.


1. The Dawn and the Embrace
2. Rise On
3. Flooding River
4. November Song
5. The Place Where This Path Leads
6. The House of Sleep
