Saturday 3 July 2010

Emily Wells, The Symphonies: Dreams, Memories & Parties

US, 2008.

Emily Wells creates a unique kind of music by blending her many influences. She is a classically trained violinist with a penchant for hip hop production. Live, Wells creates a lush layer of “symphonies” by looping and live sampling everything from her violin and voice, to her many toys and electronics.


1. Symphony 1 In the Barrel of a Gun
2. Symphony 2 & the Click Boom Boom
3. Symphony 3: The Story (Featuring Count Bass D)
4. Symphony 4: America's Mercy War
5. Symphony 5 Was A Surprise
6. Symphony 6: Fair Thee Well and the Requiem Mix
7. Symphony 7: Dreams Memories & Heaven
8. Symphony 8 & the Canary's Last Take
9. Symphony 9 & the Sunshine
10. Symphony 10: Could This Really Be the End?


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