Friday 28 May 2010

Johan Söderqvist, Let The Right One In (O.S.T.)

Sweden, 2008.

Johan Söderqvist is a Swedish composer who attended the royal college of music in Stockholm, studying composition and arranging, and is best known for his film soundtracks. One of his most recent works, the original sountrack of "Let The Right One In" ("Låt Den Rätte Komma In") is a highly recommended movie about the friendship between a twelve-year old boy and a vampire girl.

Söderqvist has described the outcome as consisting of both darkness and light, and emphasized melody and harmony as the most important qualities of the music. It is performed by the Slovak National Symphony Orchestra. The score was described as "scrupulously weaving together strains of bone-chillingly cold horror with the encompassing warmth of newly acquired love".


1. The Arrival
2. Eli and Oscar
3. Eli's Theme
4. The Slaughter
5. Oscar in Love
6. Hiding the Body
7. After the Fight
8. Oscar Strikes Back
9. Virginia Wakes Up
10. The Father
11. Spotting a Victim
12. Giving Up
13. Death of Håkan
14. Virginia Is Bitten
15. Then We Are Together
16. Virginia in Flames
17. Eli Bleeds
18. Related By Blood
19. Lacke Dies
20. Going Home
21. Let The Right One In
