Friday 22 January 2010

Rocket From The Tombs, The Day The Earth Met The Rocket From The Tombs

USA, 2002

Long time no see, guyze... So, here's something that you will never forget. This was the way I found to say I'm sorry.
Quoting my friend wikipedia: Heralded as an important protopunk group, they were little known during their lifetime, though various members later achieved renown in Pere Ubu and the Dead Boys. Billy Bob Hargus wrote, however, that "The sound of the Rockets is much more ferocious than Ubu or the Dead Boys."

1. Raw Power (1:53)
2. So Cold (5:55)

3. What Love Is (3:38)
4. Ain't It Fun (5:51)

5. Transfusion (7:44)
6. Life Stinks (3:24)
7. Muckraker (4:40)
8. 30 Seconds Over Tokyo (6:41)
9. Satisfaction (:19)
10. Sonic Reducer (4:25)
11. Never Gonna Kill Myself Again (2:06)
12. Final Solution RFTT (4:34)
13. Foggy Notion (4:53)
14. Amphetamine (5:27)
15. Read It & Weep (2:34)
16. Seventeen (3:53)
17. Frustration (2:13)
18. Down In Flames (1:40)
19. Search & Destroy (2:18)


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