Thursday 14 January 2010

Philip Glass, Powaqqatsi

U.S., 1988

More ethnic and incisive than its predecessor Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi is Hopi for "parasitic way of life" or "life in transition". And once again I recommend watching the documentary itself, of course.
Powaqqatsi is an orchestral piece composed siamese to the motion picture by Godfrey Reggio, and is performed by over 90 musicians and singers which include a Hispanic children's choir.

1. Serra Pelada
2. The Title
3. Anthem – Part 1
4. That Place
5. Anthem – Part 2
6. Mosque And Temple
7. Anthem – Part 3
8. Train to São Paulo
9. Video Dream
10. New Cities In Ancient Lands, China
11. New Cities In Ancient Lands, Africa
12. New Cities In Ancient Lands, India
13. The Unutterable
15. Mr. Suso #1
16. From Egypt
17. Mr. Suso #2 with Reflection
18. Powaqqatsi


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