Tuesday 17 November 2009

Steven Wilson, NSRGNTS RMXS

UK, 2009

Insurgentes, the debut album from Steven Wilson, was released earlier this year. The album immediately received a rapturous reception from not just fans and critics but also from fellow artists. Several of these artists have remixed tracks from the album and NSRGNTS RMXS is a collection of some of these remixes.

This is the CD edition which features a mix of the albums opening track Harmony Korine by David A. Sitek, currently enjoying massive critical acclaim for the new TV On The Radio album. Underground hip-hop pioneers Dälek have created a dark, brooding mix of Get All You Deserve (think Massive Attack meets UNKLE). Engineers, who return on July 6th with their new album Three Fact Fader, have brought their widescreen sound to Abandoner while Pat Mastelotto (King Crimson, XTC) has created a sprawling mix of Salvaging and drone act Fear Falls Burning have also reworked Get All You Deserve.


1. Harmony Korine - David A. Sitek Magentzied Nebula Mix
2. Get All You Deserve - Dälek Mix
3. Abandoner - Engineers Mix
4. Salvaging - Pat Mastelotto Mix
5. Abandoner - Danse Macabre Mix
6. Get All You Deserve - Fear Falls Burning Mix



  1. you've been posting a ton of stuff lately and, coincidentally, it's all amazing. :D

  2. I wouldn't use coincidentally in here :P :D
    glad you are enjoying them :)

  3. even though i didn't like this particular album very much, i have to fully agree with kollaps. great ;)
