Wednesday 25 February 2009

Giant Squid, The Ichthyologist

US, 2009

With new Mastodon I have had little time to explore Giant Squid's new album, but from first impression they are going for a more mellow sound on this one. I miss the heavier moments of Metridium Field, but the songwriting and vocals are more diverse than on previous efforts.


01 - Panthalassa
02 - La Brea Tar Pits
03 - Sutterville
04 - Dead Man Slough
05 - Throwing a Donner Party at Sea
06- Sevengill
07 - Mormon Island
08 - Blue Linckia
09 - Emerald Bay
10 - Rubicon Wall.mp3


1 comment:

  1. Great post :)
    i will post discography of this band in my blog o/
