Tuesday 11 November 2008

The Ocean, Precambrian

Germany, 2007

The Ocean set an incredible standard on this album: its concept spans literally eons, but in metaphors which point to universal themes, and does so demonstrating musical diversity and versatility which is seldom seen in traditional metal-oriented collectives.


Disc 1: Hadean/Archaean
1 - Hadean
2 - Eoarchaean
3 - Paleoarchaean
4 - Mesoarchaean
5 - Neoarchaean

Disc 2: Proterozoic

1 - Siderian
2 - Rhyacian
3 - Orosirian
4 - Statherian
5 - Calymmian
6 - Ectasian
7 - Stenian
8 - Tonian
9 - Cryogenian


1 comment:

  1. This quickly became one of my top 10 albums of all time. Thanks for this. :)

