Monday 17 November 2008

Akira Yamaoka, Silent Hill V: Homecoming Soundtrack

Japan, 2008

Another good leak from the best sound designer/composer I know. Yamaoka has been leading this kind of musical language for as the Silent Hill series has been around.
Always a "bit of himself" in the music, this release doesn't really appear as particularly striking. But even though Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's beautiful voice doesn't seem capable of raising the standard for this album, it's still pretty much worth mentioning.


1. One More Soul to The Call

2. Homecoming
3. Dead On Time
4. Cold Blood [Theme Of Josh]

5. Mellow
6. Old Friend [Theme Of Elle]
7. Witchcraft
8. Stillness in Shepherd's Glen
9. Soldier's Orders [Theme Of Alex]

10. Wandering
11. Shadows In Shepherd's Glen
12. Droning
13. Ghost town
14. Hotel
15. Whispers
16. Sepulcher
17. Not Going That Way
18. Assault On The Police Station
19. Sewers
20. Hell Descent
21. Scarlet
22. Journey To Silent Hill – Theme Of Elle Instrumental
23. Shores Of Silent Hill
24. Dark Times
25. The Prison
26. Somethings Out There
27. Asphyxia
28. The New Order
29. Breakthrough
30. Underground Dawn III
31. Amnion
32. The Sacred Line



  1. andré, lembra-te de usar as tags. já é a segunda vez que as tenho de adicionar. sucker.

  2. peço desculpa. usually, i don't forget.

  3. não tens de pedir desculpa. *
