Tuesday 16 September 2008

65daysofstatic, One Time For All Time

England, 2005.

65daysofstatic are a math/post-rock band from Sheffield, United Kingdom. Initially, the band interspersed heavy, progressive, guitar-driven instrumental sections with off-beat sampled drums akin to those of Aphex Twin, although in this album, their second release, they have developed their work to include more experimental keyboard parts. This file includes two bonus tracks.


1. Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here
2. Await Rescue
3. Kid
4. Welcome To The Times
5. Mean Low Water
6. Climbing On Roofs [Desperate Edit]
7. The Big Afraid
8. Doesn't Understand You
9. Radio Protector
10. Aod
11. The Major Cities Of The World Are Being Destroyed One By One By The Monsters
