Friday 27 June 2008

Battles, Mirrored

US, 2007

I vaguely remember hearing Mirrored back when it was released but for some reason it never really caught my attention until I gave it a few more tries recently. I'm baffled as to why this didn't catch my attention the first time, the vocals alone are distinctive enough to set it apart from most bands, and the rhythm section ushers Stanier back into the spotlight after playing with Helmet and Tomahawk. I'm just glad I gave this album a second chance.


01 - Race : In
02 - Atlas
03 - Ddiamondd
04 - Tonto
05 - Leyendecker
06 - Rainbow
07 - Bad Trails
08 - Prismism
09 - Snare Hangar
10 - Tij
11 - Race : Out


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