Sunday 30 December 2007

Magyar Posse, Kings Of Time

Finland, 2004.

Magyar Posse are a Finnish instrumental post-rock band formed in 2000. This album, their second release, has a very cinematic atmosphere and sounds absolutely perfect.


1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
7. VII



  1. it says the link is no longer avaliable. :(

    hurry up, I want to download the album.

  2. the link is fixed now, it was a minor html mistake. sorry.

  3. Hey,

    I know i'm not writing at the good place but i can't find an e-mail to contact your team. I recently recorded a cd called "Neverending boxes" with my band Krashtest (France). If you have some time, you can download it for free on our myspace : It's a mix of math metal, saxophone, post-metal and many other things. I tell you this, because we'll be pleased to appear on your website - we've discovered so much great bands on your page like Estradasphere or Russian circle.

    Sorry for the (bad) english and the place of my comments.

    I let you my e-mail if you're interested by my proposition :

    See ya!

  4. thanks for your message, Yves.

    I would like to hear your band's album but I somehow am finding it difficult to download from myspace (maybe because I'm not a registered user, I don't really know). could you possibly compress the album and upload it somewhere else?

    thanks in advance.

  5. Hi,

    thanks for answering. It took me some time to answer because i believed my post was deleted. Here is a link to listen to our cd :

    You don't have to register, it's a common program of free downloading.

    Mail me if you still have difficulties to access to our music :

    Roach class,
